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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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breaking news from r.c. a pleasure cruiser has signed on the river gold in russia's republic of touch the star at least one person started nearly a hundred others are missing. in the weeks other news georgia's firearms as the charges high profile photographers with snoopy from moscow but skeptics say it's an anti russian image groups about president saakashvili. also damages your view for angry objections as they return to duffy have squared to vent against the interim leaders they say stole their revolution. a change
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of tune by germany are trying to restrict bruce native's weapons systems to be used to be there despite opposing the military offensive from the stars. behold the front page britain's best selling newspaper rolls out for the last time as rupert murdoch compromises the title while phone hacking claims and reporter reg intensified and. hello and welcome to our t twenty four hour news life from chicago with the latest news and a review of the week's events and we start with our breaking news this hour a pleasure cruise that has sunk on the river borgen russia's republic of touch let's start with at least one person killed more than half of the one hundred seventy three people on board vessel have been rescued but ninety four others remain missing the merchant says the ministry has deployed teams to the scene to
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join rescue efforts and it's not known how the vessel got into trouble before sinking actually is across developments and of course we'll bring you more from our correspondents in a few moments. and will continue georgette where three high profile photographers have been charged with spying for moscow basically it has video confessions to prove their guilt but skeptics say hail subhashree days are that which chance to score political points off his tongue bottle reports now what's being seen as anti russian high georgia is on a spy role and not for the first time this time the spotlights being shined on those usually behind the camera for photographers were arrested on thursday on suspicion of spying who was there suppose it must but first georgian authorities didn't say who they thought the alleged spies were working for but a day later they did russia in turn moscow has accused georgia of paranoia the
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georgians are so quick to stick a spy label on to anyone i guess is just a level of democracy and it has been noticed not just by russia but by various key international organizations like the un one of the photographers was released without charge the other three were charged with espionage and will remain in pretrial custody for two months one of them has gone on hunger strike and protest. however georgian president mikheil saakashvili is personal photographer has reportedly made a video confession admitting to spying for russia opposition figures are skeptical he worked there and recognize the only thing that actually why still and they haven't already check out enjoy your prime time we're repeating that but there are no real go out there and we never saw any kind of real human patients government bring good this isn't the first time this has happened last year thirteen people
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were arrested and accused of being on russia's payroll earlier this week nine of them received sentences of up to fourteen years in prison for the georgian government this is a matter of national security but others in georgia are very critical of what they see as particular. political calculation you. are surely. you are always there you are. there is no. words because all the. russian who's never. used the words like we're. going to. policing must no deal with the most serious about occasions spying it has a neighbor with its relations are rock bottom and it has some men in jail but many a questioning whether this is really about justice or about politics. to.
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egypt's prime minister is vowing to sign any member of the security forces accused of killing protesters during the uprising that toppled former president hosni mubarak the statement comes after thousands of egyptians turned out for the biggest rally nuns angered over the slow pace of prosecuting officials and reforms that people say they will keep fighting until they see change and so now is at the scene for us. egypt's uprising might have ousted president mubarak but to them he's far from gone out and the people out here on top here they all see different visions of egypt but big time together because the people we've spoken to feel like their revolution has been stolen we go through the more so it will ship is through the life and when the taste of freedom was short lived military is in full power mass media is being choked and oppression still rampant force. i think
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they werent catching activists as much as they are doing now. take them through a prison i guess now they're being greeted by the want to work with this building in the first place he's known simply as uncle horsley here in egypt a social network or with a twitter army of some thirty thousand followers the military toys of civilians have to stop immediately immediately this is and i want to major demands we're putting forward one of the many demands including transparent trials for the fallen regime and the purging of corrupt officials they got rid of mubarak you know their high ranking officials but now egypt in the same way it was before january sort of got that little officials a little mubarak the remaining barracks now the reason why they're hurting them are running the country people like myself have been arguing for taking you to the factories they can hire you to be universities taking you to the work places meaning that in every single word police we have in egypt because i mean you know
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what it was never interested in politics in till january she was shot with twenty three pellets by riot police twenty of which are still in her like the pain is finally gone but her perseverance is not the barrier of fear is gone. and she will continue to fight to be empty. i want every every egyptian citizen to be treated as a human being every pro chance to has their own vision of the egypt they're fighting for some want a constitution and then free elections others think the new law should follow the vote but one thing that brings them all together is that this egypt is not here. and he's no way i'll cheat. and plenty more stories are coming your way this hour here on our scene clue just before the anniversary of the worst massacres of the
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nazi era oxy troubles the tripper needs are still in search of justice. that's later but now rebels in libya are backing part of government forces on the road to tripoli by now moving towards the key town of after a six week long on parts but the capital still remains over one hundred fifty kilometers away the rebels say their progress has been slow due to a lot of the new nation and nato support and there have been suggestions that the alliance is running low over arms itself and has asked germany for musicians reports not only surprised to an auction of posing to the nation from the outset. that more bombs wanted just over one hundred days of airstrikes and with just over two thousand bombs dropped by nato allies on libya the mission has run into an unexpected problem a lack of shells to drop where there is demand there is supply and this case germany has agreed to provide much needed ammunition previously berlin has
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abstained from voting in favor of the un security council resolution on libya a move that surprised some and good others but it may now be backing out of a decision the germans may not want to participate but they have decided that the position does not preclude them actually subsequent weapons in this case or systems some believe germany is under pressure from other nato members particularly the. it states friends in the u.k. to take a more active part in the libyan campaign at first our you know ministries toward the foreign affairs minister don't go into libya it's a very bad conflict it was started by the cia and it's a dirty business don't go there so this is why you voted with russia and china now the backlash from washington is so tough obviously we are under pressure to do something to make up for this decision aside from peer pressure germany may be alerted by the possible financial benefits of making its weapons available for
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natives use in libya probably germany will get paid for delivering these arms to other countries but that is normal practice between current we've been in nato countries. out of the twenty eight need to members only eight are actively participating in libya with civilian deaths to which needle recently admitted to a shortage of weapons and the ever relentless more market death is still at the helm the correlation may be facing just the beginning of its problems. brylin is in a tough spot on the one hand it has disappointed need to by refusing to support the mission in libya in march on the other by agreeing to supply bombs it may now lose friends in other high places and whatever the real reasons for its contradictory policy may be germany could find that by trying to please everyone it may end up pleasing no one even goes courtsey russia's holding firm in its condemnation of
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nato is military action in libya the foreign minister says the mission is a political game that's already cost too many lives. nature is bombing libya long but it was bombing yugoslavia several years ago and there is no end in sight it's obvious that politics is a cynical matter we hear from the western capitals that the bombing should go on and off. but the human cost of these political statements is very high. and dialogue between nato and russia on european security isn't moving as quickly as had been hoped that it was after meeting with the allies in the black sea resort of sochi he sure has become a stumbling block since the alliance turned down a russian proposal to unite and defending europe nato plans to deploy missiles close to russian borders as a direct threat to its own security president medvedev also mentioned again he's concerned that the coalition is overstepping the security council's mandate in
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libya however both sides praised joint efforts in battling the drug problem in afghanistan saying the corporation is showing signs of success. and right now an update about breaking news on the passenger ferry that sunk on the revolving in russia's republic of tatarstan one hundred sixty nine people have been rescued from the vessel but at least one woman is dead that leaves three people unaccounted for and the emergency is ministry has deployed teams to the scene in the effort to save those who are missing a good moment and it's not yet known how the vessel got into trouble before sinking in twenty meter deep water so they double decker ship called the bulgaria was built in one nine hundred fifty five intra back. on to some more of today's world news in brief now there has been violence and gangs that show but trying to constitution to make the prejudgment a muslim region will secular police used tear gas to disperse and if we islamists
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protesters at least fifty are already injured. remains the future of religion the government has a close stating absolute faith and trust in. an israeli airstrike has destroyed a palestinian concrete front tree in neighborhood east of guards are currently in retaliation for cross border time in true ports are scarce but it sort of one person may have been killed witnesses say planes are still circling about causing residents to panic and boys from the middle east diplomatic will turn to actually meet on monday in washington. the ukrainian court has reopened a criminal case against the prime minister when ukraine signed up to sell a lucrative stupid action plant. made last minute changes to the contract causing the country massive financial losses next prime minister faces charges of abuse of power and could face up to ten years in prison and says the accusations against you
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have been fabricated by her political rivals. also australis to force the country's five hundred worst polluters to pay cash for their carbon dioxide pollution starting from next year emissions are to be taxed at twenty five years dollars per metric ton the money raised will be used to compensate households had by higher energy bills the land of oz as one of the worst emitters of greenhouse gases in the world that's due to high dependence on call electricity. britain's scandal plagued news of the world newspaper has rolled out of the presses for the last time its final edition was apologetic but defiant after being hastily closed by rupert murdoch this week and the embattled media mogul flew to london to take charge of the crisis which in god the paper and its parent company news international it's claimed journalists the phones of murder victims and dead soldiers families police made a number of arrests on friday including
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a former editor of the paper has also served as the prime minister's press cheap from the analyst to research rupert murdoch has now lost his long standing in unity among britain isn't it. i think something changed this week you know for decades british prime ministers have been used to that to the murdoch press because they knew that when the sun which is his main daily newspaper here in britain when the sun supported a british politician running for prime minister if it's you know they want it and then you find on the next day you find the prime minister reading the sun looking like an idiot saying well the son got me a lift i mean sold. you've got this meaning of british democracy is it missing of democracy really which the murdoch press and sit back after but i think there was a for silence as well because important people needed the murdoch press and they couldn't be they couldn't attack it because of that and i think a line was crossed rupert murdoch has a very finely tuned business brain he has a lot of things going on now one of them is to purchase the largest satellite
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network in britain called the sky b. and that decision is about to be approved by the government that was in jeopardy i think he felt that as a businessman he had to sacrifice the news of the world because it in terms of the whole news international it's a tiny part of or about the political class who'd been sucking up to rupert murdoch for so many years including prime minister david cameron he now has to stand back and say no i can't do it anymore it's going to bad. plenty of page turners at auntie dot com right now as we charge the demise of the paper that changed tom joyner lives in. hundred and sixty eight years of juicy skewed sense scandals of the paper fell victim to its own toxic type takes. it also online data and destruction reported in the spirit series of explosions in turkmenistan but the government says it's just a harmless pile working. under
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an update of our breaking news for you on the passenger ferry that sank on the river volga investors and probably got type of star one hundred sixty nine people have been rescued from the vessel but at least one woman has died has died and three others are missing the emergencies ministry has deployed teams to the scene an effort to save those who are missing and it's not yet know how the vessel got into trouble before same thing in twenty meter deep water the double deckers ship called the bulgaria it was built in one thousand nine hundred fifty five and truck . the former general accused of ordering the sure bring it so much like it to have a new legal team to represent him at the hague. angrily disrupted his second hearing the rating of judges for not allowing him to have his lawyers present that
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many serbs feel the notorious general's trial will not bring forward trust is. explaining. liquid little plan of sibling meets in bosnia and herzegovina looks at village you houses are being built people go about their business and in the center of the town a mosque and church sit side by side but this apparent unity is an illusion sixty years ago the entire region was trying to partly ethnic clashes during the yugoslav war and seventy became infamous when the united nations stated eight thousand muslim men and boys were massacred by bosnian serb forces today a memorial for the deceased sits on the grounds of a former un military base as the banks a memorial ground is well maintained and frequently visited by locals journalists and tourists to get boston and the bosnian capital of. the tourist arm shown are the thousands of serbian graves that lined cemeteries all around stepping into
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region. thousands of people were killed during the balkan wars of the one nine hundred ninety s. but cemeteries like these with entire families of murdered serb civilians only get visited by the very few remaining survivors but only comes here all the time his entire family lies here he says advise me a muslim general is responsible so you know i was only nine years old when i said already stick away everything i had in life first he killed my mother then my father and brother i was wounded and taken captive they held me for fifty six days and only god knows how or why i survived. but even the bit on the survived his loss just like that thousands of people here is being ignored. each was at the hague tribunal and i was supposed to be a witness in his trial but in the end me and about thirty other witnesses were simply cast aside they didn't call us didn't ask what happened to our families and
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the tribunal only gave him two years in prison. the balkan war so heinous atrocities visited an all sides and perpetrated by all players but the version most often propagated by western media is rather one sided in blaming the serbs. to. create a russian role for. their influence in the curb in considerable number. of supplements so that so-called precedent can be traced through the years and into today's headlines i see iraq afghanistan and most recently libya have all played an unwilling host to nato troops and u.s. imposed no fly zones it is very important. creation of the. scenario for make sure in the minds of most people. was
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drones which was programmed but for whatever reasons so called international community do anything about it. some might say the journey from simply needs it to benghazi via baghdad and kabul could now be traced as a kind of major road map but as with any road paved with good intentions there is only one possible just a nation carriers are about r t bosnia and herzegovina a powerful earthquake has hit japan immediately prompting fears of a tsunami and vast swathes of the country still lying brings up to march as huge earthquake triggered disaster was destroyed whole towns and killed more than fourteen thousand people and for months on a mammoth reconstruction effort is underway along the country's northern coast but the people will take much longer to repair emotionally thomas reports.
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as the waves crash against the damage to sea wall on the japanese coast volunteers work tirelessly to clean up the debris and bring some sense of normalcy back to the area. and i want to tell people we need more help more supplies and things are still out here beyond the physical destruction and there is a distressing psychological factor as well the city if you want he is right on the edge of the twenty kilometer exclusion zone for radiation contamination and fact in a recent study by japan's nuclear safety commission forty five percent of one thousand children tested in any want year and may bring cities have tested positive for thyroid radiation exposure a figure that has parents appalled at all we have the government has resets the great era for safety and i'm not concerned with the consequences their reaction is to help the government save face but they don't actually take care of the damage and the people here first there was the earthquake then the devastating
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a wave which rushed in and destroyed this part of the coastal city of it walking also there are the nuclear radiation waves that are coming into this area as well the volunteers that are coming in to rebuild this city certainly have their work cut out for them but just like the city itself the people who live here the community they need to have their spirits rebuilt as well. that. again in an effort to keep the community emotionally strong organizers have brought this acting troupe in from tokyo they say their goal is to provide something beyond simple entertainment for a program where we have a certain japanese pride and in this destructive situation i would like to bring good things and present this period of japan and japanese pride by bringing people together and making people smile. through that shared community experience there is a sense of hope that the city of a wacky can indeed recover the convenience of
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a property close to zero but it keeps you going it's like it's coming back. and with an understanding that there is still much more work that needs to be done and people here are working to keep their community together. i just want them to stay where they want and if i can be helpful that i get there. rebuilding the city one step at a time any walky city japan sean thomas r.t. . now this is the shuttle atlantis is making its way to the international space station for the very last time marking it end of the u.s. space shuttle era and is caring for american astronauts several times a vital supplies within a few hours of land as a static to make its final with the international space station this last voyage in america's space shuttle history is a painful time for many who have devoted their lives to the thirty year program as well she's been a chicken or sometimes
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a little system. empty shelves of what was once florida's thriving space coast. up to ten thousand people will be out of a job as soon as the last shuttle makes its final voyage back to earth home to many of the kennedy space center workers rock which is on the verge of becoming a ghost town without the space program or pretty much nothing i mean this is what you know cocoa beach is built on the space program you know it's a lot of you are going to be sorry me out you going on welfare left and right stands in sydney chris a fully spent twenty three years with the shuttle launch team as an engineer with a client kiss blasting off for its final mission it means the end of his career with nasa and the beginning of uncertainty a year ago he started looking for a new job to no avail i have applied for jobs and so far haven't gotten any concrete responses there's not that many jobs out there for sure the u.s.
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scrapped its travel program and now wants the private sector to come up with ways to get astronauts to space several companies are working on new vehicles but it's not clear when they'll be able to deliver them one thing is certain though they'll be able to hire only a fraction of the skilled space industry workers will be out of work this is the first shuttle ever it never made it to space but it was used for tests before the columbia shuttle first launched into space in nineteen eighty one. a total of five shuttles have been used for space missions this that two of them were last thing tragic accidents in nine hundred eighty six and in two thousand and three those lawsuits and the skyrocketing price for each launch gradually lurched to the cancellation of the program but critics say it's hard to estimate the losses that the end of the shuttle program will bring about both for the space industry and the people involved i think it's a really bad thing for the united states to use this workforce it's going to be
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difficult to rebuild for years the shuttle has been the only vehicle that could very crude and a massive load of cargo to space officials say one of the reasons the program was scrapped is that it's safer and cheaper to send cargo and people separately something that russia for example has been doing for many years but whatever the reasons for scrapping the thirty year old program for those who devoted their lives to it is the end of their dream job kind of sad because i've already seen a lot of my friends go you know because they'll be more people that are probably in a never see again it also means the end of a once vibrant scientific community that's grown up around the shuttle going to shirk on r.t.e. . on a quick update on our breaking news this hour on the passenger ferry that sank on the river golden russia's republic of tatarstan one hundred sixty nine people have been rescued from the vessel but at least one woman's died and three others are
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missing imagines his ministry has deployed teams to the scene an effort to save those who are missing understand yet note how the vessel got into trouble before sinking in twenty meter deep water so the double deck a ship called the bulgaria was built in one thousand nine hundred fifty five in czechoslovakia. character day job soon after a recap of all top stories the david and goliath struggle between child villagers and the u.s. army statement about. the
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